Saturday, May 9, 2009

The House of Ackel

As promised, these are the cell phone photos of my descent to Harishe...and the Ackel house...maybe 100 yards from the Mediterranean!

click on images to make them larger! This is the nameplate on the front door of the cottage they told me was the original Ackel home...not sure what the top word means ("house of...?") but the second word is definitely "Ackel" in Arabic. Or "Ackal." When they spell the name there using our alphabet it is "Akil" or "Akl."
At the front door...the home is now abandoned.

The lock...

Door knocker??

Side yard...

Front yard...

Back yard...
Utterly amazing!

The Tomb Of St. George

Just a stone's throw away from the Ackel house is what the locals claim to be the tomb of St. George.


Mr. and Mrs. George Dow...she was an Ackel...he is the brother of Joe Dow, of Houston, Texas...we are in the church that Joe Dow built in Harishe.
Our cousin and her son.

Marie with the brothers of Joe Dow.

The Ackel/Dow home...right next door to the church...

The Hills Are Alive...

Shepherds in the hills of Syria!
Dancing with sheep!

Food, Food...And More Food!

Every table, whether in a restaurant or a private home, is loaded with food...ala Aunt Cubie!

Fresh fish from the Mediterranean...absolutely delicious!

At a restuarant in Dahr Safra, Syria...we cleaned it out, Syrian style!


click on images to make them larger!

Here's another one of me smoking...SUZANNE!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Dahr Safra and Harishe, Syria

Click on images to make them larger! What an amazing and overwhelming visit the home villages of our ancestors, the villages where our grandparents were born...Dahr Safra (the village of the Michael's) and Harishe (the village of the Ackel's.) They are really just one village, Dahr Safra at the top of the mountain, Harishe at the bottom, about 100 yards from the Mediterranean!
(Left to Right): Fadya Booz (a relative to the Michael's), Craig, the priest of the village, Hamman, our "guide," and Rianda, a relative of the Joe Thomas family. We are outside of the old St. George's Church in Dahr Safra, where our ancestors were baptized and married! The entire area is Catholic (Maronite).

Inside the old St. George's Church.

A typical home in Dahr Safra.

On the road to Dahr Safra, looking down into Harishe.

Harishe. On the left you can see a Maronite Catholic Church, built by Joe Dow of Houston, a native of Harishe. Unfortunately I ran out of film before we actually went down into Harishe, but I captured images on my cell phone. As soon as I get them transferred, I will post them! Right next to the church is the home of the one Ackel relative I met...her husband is a cousin to Joe Dow. They took me to what they called the "Ackel Family Home" further down from their home, and told me that this abandoned stone cottage was more than likely where our grandfather, John Habib Ackel, had been born! I can't wait to post those photos! Yes, the house is right on the Mediterranean, and the vegetation is lush...

From the highest point in Dahr Safra.

The new St. George's Church in Dahr Safra. It was to be dedicated the following weekend! As you can see below, they had not yet installed the pews!


Byblos, Tyre and Sidon, Lebanon

Click on images to make them larger!
The marketplace in Byblos.

There's no doubt Jesus walked the land of Tyre and Sidon! Here I am at an ancient Christian cemetery.

Fresh fish for lunch, straight from the Mediterranean...

...and me with the guys who caught that lunch!

Craig and Marie at a castle at Sidon, built by Alexander the Great, and later used as a fort for the Crusaders!

The marketplace at Sidon.

Look at the tomatoes, eggplants, etc. Yes, they tasted as good as they look!

Cana, Lebanon

click on images to make them larger!

Recent new evidence has revealed that Cana of Gallilee, where Jesus performed his first miracle at a wedding, is in south Lebanon.

Some believe these are the remnants of the six stone water jars in which the water became wine. I have to admit, I did not "feel" it! When we asked where the house of the Wedding at Cana was located, we were told "It has not yet been excavated!"

However, in another area, I DID feel the presence of God...above is a cave that some claim Jesus and his disciples slept in on their way to the wedding. The area was obviously an early Christian settlement at least, as there are many primitive carvings of the life of Christ.